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M03 DQ_ Intro to American Government

M03 DQ_ Intro to American Government

Q This is where you'll discuss the news from the past couple of weeks and relate a news story to a concept from class Farooq Choudhry Title of Article: Effort to Weaken Governors Stirs Separation-Of-Powers Debate Source: U.S. News, December 7, 2018 Link to Article:

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In this article, there is a debate over the Separation of Powers where the bill passed by the Republicans would give the lawmakers to dilute the power of the attorney general on taking decisions which they used to take on their own. This would raise the question about the separation of powers that the lawmakers are now interfering with the powers of the executive branch. According to the bill passed, it would be decision of the lawmakers to make the state withdraw from lawsuits and also the new Democratic governor would have to take permission for any program that would be run with federal government jointly like the program of the Medicaid.